Week 14 ~ 2017 Gratitude

This last 2 weeks have been very awe inspiring as I hold myself true to following the required homework in MKMMA…. Master Keys.

I have been starting my day 1 hour earlier than I had in the past. After showering I make my breakfast, and as I eat… I do my readings and write my 3 gratitude cards and 1 journal card.

It is amazing how much peace and centeredness I feel. This alone is making it so easy to stay on the mental diet of seeing, thinking, and speaking only good.

I am also seeing characteristics in people that reflect the peace and happiness I feel.

This is very cool….. and I’m sticking with it 🙂

2 thoughts on “Week 14 ~ 2017 Gratitude

  1. Wendy, it is very cool and yayy us that we’ve stayed the course and trusted the process long enough to begin to love it! Thanks for the highlight of how really NICE this is.

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